1 Aims, learning outcomes and workload of the course

Course aims


This course demonstrates:

  • how the Internet is creating value for customers and profits for companies (through e-commerce), 
  • and most importantly, it shows how e-Marketing fits into the rest of an organization's marketing strategy. 

Featuring the fundamentals (tools, tactics and skills) essential to search engine optimization, social media, online PR, conversion optimization, web analytics, email marketing, internet advertising and more.

The student will apply the skills learned building and promoting his very own e-commerce webshop.

Learning outcomes

The student can:

  1. explain how to expand business opportunities through e-marketing.
  2. is able to create a qualitative e-marketing plan that describes objectives, target audience, marketing mix, budget, action plan and how success will be measured.
  3. can explain how search engine optimation, social media marketing, online PR, conversion optimation, web analytics, e-mail marketing, internet advertising, e-commerce, payment systems work.
  4. can apply this knowledge on search engine optimation, social media marketing, online PR, conversion optimation, web analytics, e-mail marketing, internet advertising, e-commerce, payment systems to build a prototype e-commerce shop.


Course workload

Course acitvity Hours
Lectures / working sessions 35
Self-study (tasks) 140
Exam 3