4 Course examination

The course 'e-Marketing' will be examined in two parts:
by a group assignment and by a written exam.

group assignment counts for 50%
written exam counts for 50%


(* in examination period 3)

individual assignment counts for 50%
written + oral exam counts for 50%

Group assignment

  • Students will showcase their skills and learn from their progression by creating a prototype webshop and the associated digital marketing for an existing business that will be visually and orally presented to the class during a show-and-tell session (= group presentation).
  • Before creating the webshop proposal, students need a company authorization. A template document has been prepared to formalise the authorization of the company.The document is available in Dutch and English.
    • Company authorisation.docx (English)
    • Toestemming bedrijf.docx (Dutch).

      (@student: Please get it filled in and signed, and return by submitting on Chamilo>assignments>company authorisation form. It is mandatory to get this authorisation - this will amongst others protect us from copyright infringement accusations)
  • The prototype webshop with its supporting digital marketing must contain the following: 
  1. The result of the different activities part of this class, including the overall Digital marketing plan. The activity results requiring separate documentation are to be bundled under a placeholder menu tab "Activities" on your prototype webshop. 
  2. Prototype website/webshop and its associated digital marketing prototype implementation
  • Elaborate your webshop proposal in an online format by creating a free suitable website builder. Knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript will not be required for this class (you are marketing students, not web developers...
  • The webshop proposal will be judged on 1) content, 2) presentation and 3) correct English language usage.
  • A filled in participation form is signed off by the team providing indication of who delivered which part of the activities. The quality of an individual participation influences final scoring. One activity can be delivered by an arbitrary number of students. 



  • The written exam contains theory based and application questions (based on practical situations).

More details about the group assignment and examination will be given as the course progresses.


Exam and Assignments Language

By default, you are assumed to deliver the assignments in English and take the exam in English. You have the right though to request for an exam in Dutch. In case you want to do this, you are required to subscribe to the course group "Examen in het Nederlands" before the deadline of 14 mei 2015, 23:59 hours. Your decision is final. This group can be found on Chamilo, course e-Marketing_AJ14-15. Look for the icon "Course Groups" on the start screen of this course. This course group "Examen in het Nederlands" is to be found at the bottom of this group list.