4 G Adw Keyword Tool


How to perform Keyword Research with Google Adwords Keyword Tool

Source: Audience Bloom


The Adwords Keyword Tool is a free Google sponsored tool

Google Adwords Keyword Tool allows you to research the demand, or monthly searches conducted each month for the keywords you are interested in.

When researching what niche to get into, you simply type in keywords resulting from your brainstorming session and Google will give you the search volume for that keyword and all other relevant terms.


For someone just starting out who is a beginner with niche sites, this tool is a good way to experiment and get a feel for the process in the most cost-effective manner – it is free!

Broad vs. Exact Match Search

Because many one and two-word search terms have a lot of competition, and because it is exponentially more difficult to conquer page one of Google for these terms, most niche site developers like me focus on long-tail search terms of three or more words.


I do this because chances are that I will find a solid, suitable domain name, and will likely get to page one of Google within 60 days (that is fast).


The problem is that the tool is set to a 'broad' match by default, which means the search demand numbers are the combination of searches for each of the words that make up the long tail keyword.


This can be highly misleading and a key reason why many who attempt to build profitable niche sites often end up unprofitable and discouraged.

Have a look on the left-hand side. Always check the 'exact' match box to ensure accuracy of results.


Example 1: 'small business accounting software' - broad match


Example 2: 'small business accounting software' - exact match

You will see that when this box is checked, the search number is typically much smaller than the initial default results.

The main keyword 'small business accounting software' goes from a search demand of 40,500 to 6,600. That is a drastic drop. You see how this can mislead people into starting what they think are profitable niche sites?

Source / read more: blog.2createawebsite.com