1 Analysis of the internal environment

Analysis of the internal environment

This is often called describing the “As-Is” situation. It's an audit in the company to understand those topics which are relevant for our future e-business solution. The domains we cover for an audit are:


  • Current marketing approach
    Understands today's marketing plan and activities.

Internet presence

  • Usability of the current website.
    Analyse Guided User Experience, Text Clarity & Design Consistency
  • Ranking & #Visitors towards the current website
    Is analytical data available (Google Analytics). Check key parameters using the Google webmaster tools
  • Understand current Digital marketing activities
    SEO, SEA, Affiliate marketing. What are the keyword (combinations) used
  • Social media presence
    Presence on social media platforms (which ones). Intended purpose ? Social media advertising ? Social media reach.

Resources and skills

  • Current resources and skills
    How about the skills and the availability of resources in your company. Document your current resources and their skills. While doing so, mark people in your organization who will be able to take up specific roles related to maintaining the e-commerce solution (for example ICT activities, graphical design, text writing, product catalogue maintenance, order processing,…) You need also to check who is involved in customer orders intake, handling and delivery in the as-is situation. Document where they are located (you will need staff to pick and dispatch orders coming from the e-business platform.

    Example: "We don’t have an ICT professional in our company. We have one person available 20% of her time for communication management and 10% of the time available to maintain the products and descriptions in the ERP system." (Interpretation: this person might be suited for website content management and catalog management of the webshop)


Processes and infrastructure

  • Processes and infrastructure to deliver to the customer. Logistics setup ?
    List the relevant processes and infrastructure used to serve the customer.

    Example on a fragment: "We have 3 brick shops, no dedicated warehouse. In case a brick shop is out of stock, we might fetch the product a customer is requesting from another shop. We rarely ship parcels, customers simply come to our shop."

ICT landscape

  • ICT landscape

    What is the ICT landscape you are currently using ?  Think of domains such as systems for order intake, billing, production, logistics, inventory, customer relationship ?

    Example: "We have a Microsoft dynamics CRM and a Microsoft Navision ERP system. For bookkeeping Cubic Pro is used."