5 Activity: add the objectives to the plan



  • Make sure clear e-commerce and e-marketing objectives have been set for your webshop idea



  • Make sure you have discussed with your interface person at the business selected the different objectives realted to the internet presence (e-commerce and e-marketing). Do the same in your team in order to collect as many ideas as possible
  • List the Broad Business objectives related to the internet e-commerce and e-marketing channel - this can be in "mission statement" style
  • List the Long/Mid term objectives. Use a subdivision in Tangible and Intangible objectives
  • List the detailed objectives. Get inspiration from the RACE cycle
  • List the CSF
You have "carte blanche" regarding the format and editing tools you use to represent your objectives in an attractive format. But a word document is not permitted - try to do better


  • Build sub page “ACT 3.A: objectives” as submenu of the menu “Activities” on your webshop.
  • Write out your objectives & CSF according to the structure presented in this chapter A.