Critical success factors

Critical success factors must be fulfilled in order to achieve the above objectives. So to formulate them, think about the really key things which could go wrong and will really damage your project. If a critical success factor is not met, your project will fail or be seriously underperforming. 


Have in your plan a list of them.

We identified following critical success factors:

  2. ...


If you are aware of key elements which could cause that those objectives are not achieved, you should mention them. This paragraph should have management attention to make sure one tries to fulfill those critical success factors


Example CSF's:

  • Availability of end users for providing input to the design team is critical
  • Management support is key to let the project succeed
  • Support from the brick and mortar employees. (fail if they try to avoid that customers make use of the e-commerce solution)
  • Sufficient budget is made available