1 Target your audience


People want an original gift truly unique and different. So Bierbar goes for personalized beers.


Source: 9000.be


For your marketing to hit home you have to understand your audience inside and out. You need to know the demographics, their likes and dislikes, where they hang out online and where they don’t. In this way you can ensure that you or your team develop tailor-made content marketing for your audience. Giving visitors to your site exactly what they want or need will give you the very best chance of them completing the desired action whether it’s signing up to your newsletter or purchasing a product.


So, let’s discuss how to go about defining exactly who your target audience is. Ask yourself these questions to help you better understand who your business is working for.

Who does your product appeal to, and what are their general characteristics?

Let’s start out broad. General attributes to consider are your target audience’s age, sex, location, income level, and marital status.

What is their motivation for buying your product or services?

Is your product something they need or something they want? Does having your product elevate their social status somehow? Does it make them feel better about themselves? Or is it something that merely entertains them? In short, what is your customer’s pain? Why do they so badly need you? The point is your product adds some sort of value to their lives. Figure out what that value is.


How does your target audience shop?

To best market to your ideal customer, you need to figure out their purchasing habits. Do they tend to make impulse purchases, or are they more rational, logical consumers? Where do they shop? Online or in person? Are they loyal to particular brands or are they always susceptible to jump ship?


Where does your target audience congregate?

In order to communicate with your target audience, you need to first know where they are. If your target audience is the teenage group, figure out which social networks and other websites they frequent most. Which type of physical establishments do they hang out in? Which TV and radio stations do they tune into? Which magazines do they read? By knowing exactly where your target audience is, you can focus your marketing efforts into those areas so that you have a better chance of capturing their attention.


Once you’ve found the answers to these questions, you’ll have a better idea of who your target audience is. Your mission should always be to get to know your target audience better. That’s why I think social networking is such a great tool. While some people see Twitter as a waste of time due to a bunch of 'meaningless' posts, I see it as an opportunity to get inside my audience’s mind. I can learn how they talk, what they think, what their likes and dislikes are, and what the best method is for getting a positive reaction out of them.


Source / read more: seohosting.com