3 Market cross-platform


Barbara Torfs: “Ook online moet Schoenen Torfs ‘top-of-mind’ worden”

More and more customers want to combine buying online and offline.
So 'Schoenen Torfs' decided to launch an webshop.

Source: retaildetail.be


There is much buzz about integrated marketing or "cross-platform" campaigns. These are promotions for which the message is adapted for each type of media that is most relevant to the target customer segment. In today's world that means mixing it up between "traditional" marketing favorites and web-based platforms: the right content formatted and delivered using the right medium.

Cross-Platform Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners

“How can I reach prospective customers that would be interested in my company’s offering?”

Have you asked yourself that question before … or lately? If so, you’re not alone. Identifying the best places to promote your brand messages can be an arduous task. However, the best way to start is to decipher which marketing platforms work best for your business. A customers smartphone ? Your brand's website, an email ?

Every business will have uniquely different needs. But thankfully, once you understand the available marketing platforms, you have a better chance of engaging with customers. Taking an integrated marketing approach across online marketing, social media marketing, print, broadcast, outdoor, etc. can act as a more strategic approach to accomplishing your goals.

Therefore, to determine the best platform, it’s important to outline your goals and think about how each medium can help you meet them. Here are a few platforms, that every business can engage in:

0. Its a multi device online world !

The multi-device world has disrupted marketing and forever changed how brands communicate with customers. The mobile ecosystem is now infinitely more complex, as you can no longer assume that one person has only one device with large screensize. Traditional marketing tactics in today’s multi-device world mean that your users will consistently receive mis-personalized, duplicate messages on apps, websites, mobile websites, social media channels. As such, we are seeing a fundamental shift toward “person-based marketing”—marketing that takes into account which devices belong to which users—so marketers can appropriately personalize their mobile communications. "Cookies" become less relevant, you need to get people logged in to know who they are.

1. Online Marketing: Your Website

Your website is likely your number one communication tool with your customers and potential clients. Think of your website as not just your storefront but also your salesman. Make sure it is well designed and easy to use. Keep your tagline simple, not clever. Use keywords for search engine optimization purposes, but don’t ruin your content with it. Incorporate beautiful images to keep the visitor’s interest piqued.


2. Social Media: Facebook

Facebook is best for attracting people to your website, building a relationship of trust with them, and gaining visibility in new crowds. Set up your business’s Facebook page with an eye towards coming across as a human being – not a business. You can do this by using conversational tones in your status updates and commenting on your fans’ feeds. Establish yourself as an expert in your field by sharing valuable information. Don’t push products all of the time; find a healthy balance and frequency that works.


3. Social Media: Twitter

Twitter is another great tool for social media marketing. Make sure you set up a Twitter profile that describes who you are in one line and links back to your website. Then start using it to find the people who need what you are offering and follow them. Many will follow back. Follow friends, celebrities, journalists, comedians – anyone you want! Then start sharing information that is valuable and relevant. Retweet things you like. Have fun with it!


4.Selective other Social Media: Youtube, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+

Depending on the type of business you are in, above platforms might be the right choise: Youtube for your instruction material and demo's, Pinterest and Instagram if you are in a business where "visual" is key, such as interior design, fashion,... LinkedIn and Google+ in B2B environments. We will dive deaper into this selection process further on in this course.

5. Print Media: Magazines and Newspapers

Print media is a tried and true method of gaining attention, but it can be expensive, so make sure it is right for your business. Advertise where your customers will see it – ask yourself if it’s worth the money to buy space in a free newspaper nobody reads. If you are an online store trying to reach a national audience, focus your advertising dollars on national publications. If you’re a local brick-and-mortar shop, national advertising would obviously be a waste of money.


6. Broadcast: Radio and Television

As your business grows, you may consider developing a radio or television spot for local market penetration — depending on the type of business you’re in. While other forms of advertising are proven to be more cost-effective, based on your businesses needs it may be advantageous to utilize broadcast as a way to drive retail foot traffic and broad reach.


An Integrated Approach to Marketing

Whether you’re using two of these platforms or all of them, make sure you are getting the most out of your time and money by using them wisely. Don’t cross-promote every tweet on your Facebook brand page; make all social media interactions count. Include your website in your print advertisement. And if you have a Facebook brand page and a Twitter account, include that information, too. The most important thing is to keep your message and branding consistent.

Source: https://yfsentrepreneur.com/2012/08/09/cross-platform-marketing-tips-for-small-business-owners/#axzz2jczzRCiV