3 Why using a wireframe ?


Wireframes save a lot of time and money in making changes to a website

Source: designbeep.com


Save Time and Resources

Yes, wireframe adds one more layer to the process of designing. But it reduces or removes (removing is the core purpose) iterations. Less or no iterations reduce time, resources, and the most important, money spent.


Save iterations

In any organization, there’s almost everyone involved in taking decision about the design. Right from designers themselves, developers, analysts and SEO specialists, managers, and even investors have some role to play in entire design process. Thus, the design goes through enormous iterations. Follows the non-achievable deadlines to take it live, conflicts between teams, and chaos. Wireframes can be modified quickly and provide simulation of the website. After everyone is agreed upon the design and content organization, it can move to design process where colors and other elegance can be added. An accepted wireframe design can be a milestone in your projectplan.


Be perfect

It’s not good for a designer to know about the design problems after it’s live or in testing process. By 'Design problems', I do not mean functionality related problems like 'Form is not opening'. I mean things like, 'The shopping process could have been smaller', 'Why is there no “About us” in the main menu?' These are issues, which can come up as suggestions before the design process starts, because you are just starting the design process.


Everyone has ideas, but not Photoshop skills

In some cases, there’ll be a user experience planner, marketer or even a CEO who will have some great ideas for a landing page, newsletter, an ad banner, or even an entire website. They usually cannot work on professional tools like Photoshop and present their ideas. Wireframing is a handy technique that’s available and possible to everyone with ideas to build something. Presenting a design idea will impact better as a tangible form like wireframes rather than just a list.


Source / read more: tatvic.com