1. G+: How to Use Google Plus for Marketing


With over 150 million active users, and 50% of all users logging into Google Plus daily, Google Plus is a social network you can’t ignore. Sure, it isn’t as popular as Facebook or Twitter, but it can help impact your search engine rankings in a positive way.

A few simple ways you can leverage Google Plus are:

  1. Authorship – this is a great way to get your picture next to your listings in the search results.
  2. Relationship marketing – with Google hangouts, you can connect to and get to know your fans.
  3. Driving traffic – by building up your Google Plus profile, you can share content and news about your business. This is a simple way to drive more traffic to your business.

These are just the basics of how you can use Google Plus to your advantage. To expand on the idea, I’ve decided to create an infographic that lays out the steps you need to take to use Google’s social network for your marketing needs.

Click on the image below to see a larger view:


How to Use Google Plus for Marketing

Click here to view an enlarged version of this infographic.


Whether you like or hate Google Plus, you have no choice but to leverage it. Why? Because Google owns it!

As the most popular site in the world, Google can really help boost your revenue. Having the top rankings can mean the difference between being in business and being out of business.

Because the search giant owns this social network, you’re better off using it due to the fact that it can impact how well your site does in the organic listings.

How else can you use Google Plus to market your business?


Source: https://www.quicksprout.com/2014/06/13/how-to-use-google-plus-for-marketing/