3 The 2014 CMO Guide to social media

While other platforms have come and gone from our annual infographic--the first one ran in 2010--Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube have been mainstays. As for the definite "maybe," well, that's about as solid as it gets on the social scene.
For this year's guide, CMO.com teamed with data visualization specialist Visual.ly to help with both content and design. For 2014, the Big Four are joined by newcomer SlideShare, 2013 entries Google+ and Pinterest, and Instagram, which makes its second appearance since 2012. As in past years, each platform is evaluated by four key criteria: SEO, brand awareness, customer communication, and traffic generation, with performance compared with the past two years (except in cases where the platform was not previously included).
Just click on the infographic, below, to download a printable PDF version. As always, we think you will find it to be a valuable year-round resource--and one worth sharing with co-workers and colleagues.