5 Ad Groups

The use of Ad Groups

It's in most cases not a good idea just to have 1 ad connected to 1 campaign:

  • 1 Ad ? -> large target population, not refined, higher risk of “clicking away”
  • # Ad’s -> really target your groups -> smaller reach, better CTR

Let's take an example:  

Suppose you have an online shop selling musical instructruments. You have only 1 text add connected to your campaign. To cover all you sell, you have made it quite generic:


  Music instruments
  Online shop, large collection, best prices
  Free delivery throughout Europe


Two typical ways this then can go wrong are:

  • Suppose you don’t sell triangles, and someone clicked your add searching for that: you loose money on a useless add, and the customer is frustrated
  • Someone is searching for a Sax. He will probably use keywords such as sax, saxophone, but not “musical instrument”. So he will not get your ad


Using multiple ad groups in one campaign

So it's better to have separate ad groups, reflecting what you offer and want to promote connected to one campaign.


  • Acoustic guitars
  • Electric guitars
  • Saxophones
  • Violins


And build tailor made ad’s like this:


New accoustic guitar ?
Buy online at the best price
Free delivery throughout Europe

(keywords: guitar, guitars, guitar shop, buy guitar, accoustic guitar,)


Want to buy a violin ?
Buy online at the best price
Free delivery throughout Europe

(keywords: violin, buy violin, fiddle, vedel, violin shop)


Setting up your Ad Groups

Just define now the ad groups you identified, and connect them to your campaign

The rest of the sequence is similar to what you already did earlier on (so just define all your different add’s)


Use the right keywords for your Ad Group...

In above example, you should not place keywords for instruments you don’t offer in the case of paid advertising.  (This might sound silly, but it does happen...)

Make also use of the keyword tools available to look at estimated traffic and estimated CPC. Google AdWords provides you with tools for this under "Tools and Analysis". For example "traffic estimator", and in a lesser extend the "keyword tool" will be of help.

In "Keyword Tool", you can show the estimated CPC by activating that column.

Look at below video to learn how to use Keyword Planner to get performance statistics for lists of keywords and decide on what to use:





Tune the max CPC per keyword assigned

How to set the CPC for a keyword if you use this sequence ?

  • Click the campaign
  • Click the advertising group
  • If you select the tab “keywords”, you will see a list with keywords
  • Select one or more keywords
  • Select “Bid Strategy”
  • Use manual CPC bidding
  • Enter the maximum CPC you are willing to pay for this keyword