10 Activity: Set up and effective e-mail marketing campaign
- Effective promotion of your webshop
- Get acquinted with the capabilities of an e-mail marketing solution
Select one of below email service providers. Check if the product has a suitable free or trial version. Learn to work with the product.
- Compaign Monitor (www.campaignmonitor.com)
- Dotmailer (www.dotmailer.com)
- Emma (www.myemma.com)
- MailChimp (www.mailchimp.com)
Training kits can easiliy be found. e.g.for mailchimp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6ZmFDCOX0s
- Generate 1 effective e-mail marketing campaing idea for your webshop
- Build it with one of above tools
Describe (for inspiration, see 6 E-mail campaigns)
- the objective(s) of your e-mail campaign
(keeping your audience informed?, keeping your audience connected?, increasing sales?,...)
- the communication schedule for your e-mail campaign
(frequency and amount of e-mails, day and time of scheduled delivery)
- the target group of your e-mail campaign
(specific segment? whole audience?)
- which e-mail marketing software have you used?
Implement the solution
- Load 5 target mail address to test
- Build a newsletter according to the best practices described in this chapter
- Make sure the firstname of the addressea is automatically used in the newsletter
- Activate the campaign
- Investigate statistics: can you get statistics on mails opened, of a CTA clicked ?
- Provide screenshots of the keyelements of your activity as proof and upload those on your website
- Build subpage “ACT 4.G: E-mail marketing” as submenu of the menu “Activities” on your webshop.
- Put your answer and screenshots on the created subpage.