13. Activity: Mobile Strategy


Activity description

Define your mobile strategy

Develop and document your mobile strategy. Make decisions on what are the fitting mobile possibilities matching your business and customer base.

Use the course material in this chapter as inspirator for the mobile methods you could be using as part of this strategy, or decide they don’t fit:


  • Requirements for your website on mobile devices ?
  • Business specific mobile app idea  or not ?
  • If you go for a mobile app, will you monetize it (free or paid  in the app store ?)
  • Relevant generic app’s you want to make use of in your mobile strategy (e.g. social media apps)
  • Geolocation use ? Where ?
  • Mobile coupons, vouchers ?
  • Mobile advertising ? Where ? Format ?
  • Gaming ?
  • Survey ?
  • Augmented reality ?
  • Etc...


As an extra, you could try to implement some features in your prototype solution. (This is an extra for your scoring on this activity. It is not a formal requirement for the activity)



  • Build sub page “5.B. ACT: Mobile Strategy" as submenu of menu “Activities” on your webshop
  • Paragraphs (using below paragraph title):
1. Instruction summary
2. Write / illustrate on this webspage your Mobile Strategy plan. Make sure you provide the underlying reasoning.
3. (optional): explain and provide pointers to what you did implement for your prototype