12. Augmented reality


What ?


Augmented Reality Augmented reality (AR), overlays text, images, or video over physical objects. 

It is still in very early stages - not significant so far in mobile marketing 

Google Glass is the most significant development to-date. 

  • Google Glass has helped to understand what augmented reality is and what it could mean for mobile marketing. 
  • Google seems hesitant for a full launch of Glass.

Augmented Reality Augmented Reality at the point of sale
  • Via your mobile using your camera you will be able to see a virtual object and get a direct link to buy it 

Augmented Reality and Location based services - discovery

  • Yelp is using augmented reality in their app to show you via the augmented reality viewer nearby restaurants and their ratings

Field Trip by Google

  •  Is another example of discovery using Augmented Reality
  •  Useful for travelers; shows you information about the places you are visiting
  •  Deployed for iPhone, Android and Google Glass 

Junaio is another interesting product to follow up