8. Games for Mobile as a Marketing Tool

You can create your own game for marketing purposes

  • For example Paramount Pictures developed an app for the recent film Star Trek Into Darkness which asked users to complete challenges like visit a location, take a picture of a landmark, scan a magazine cover, etc... as a way of getting customers to look again at content that’s already out there
This Angry Birds game is another good example 
First the birds descended from the sky, in their natural habitat.

angry birds adJumptap Screengrab


But wait, they're carrying something.

angry birds adJumptap Screengrab


The birds unroll an unconventional banner ad...

angry birds adJumptap Screengrab

... That allows users to watch a video ad without leaving the app.

angry birds ad


But – it is very expensive to develop a game
You have to develop a good advertising campaign for your game 
Usually is better to use some successful game to advertise, or simply advertise on games using some of the mobile advertising networks available
source: https://www.slideshare.net/mobilemarketingfree/intro-to-mobile-marketing-presentation-v04?qid=d05fba1c-c586-45d3-a5fa-e08a13286e1e&v=qf1&b=&from_search=1