10. Consumer Feedback and Surveys

Consumer Feedback & surveys Mobile devices give us the opportunity to get consumer feedback faster than traditional survey tools 
Consumer feedback can be recovered through surveys or apps that allow their users to rate your product and services.
Use certainly after / at the end of events and at the end of event sessions.
  • Controllable surveys and non controllable surveys 

The data of your consumer feedback is now more important than ever, because of the social ecosystem

Surveys vs ratings
  • Surveys usually are created by you to get feedback from your customers and to take decisions based on the conclusions of the survey
  • Ratings are short surveys that allow your customer to rate some of your products or services in a quick and easy way. Ratings are usually used to be shared with the community
All the systems used for surveys and rating work mainly in real time
  •  This give you the opportunity to take decisions based on data almost in real time
  •  For example you can get a customer feedback on-line and resolve the problems he is facing almost at the same time he is giving you the feedback, using automatic alerts
Higher response rates
  • Studies are demonstrating that the rate of response of a survey is higher using mobile devices than traditional ones, like desktop web based surveys and of course paper based
Mobile surveys can be delivered using 
  • SMS powered surveys
  • Mobile web surveys 
  • In App surveys
  • Mobile coupons surveys
  • In App consumer real time feedback
The beauty of mobile is that we can quickly change the questions based on feedback (dynamic surveys)
Mobile feedback systems will be more like a conversation 
Real Time compliant – Real time response
  • Survey completion rate on mobile for a well managed panel can be as high as 80%. 
  • Typical completion rates with online panel vary from 10-15%.
  • Less, small and clear questions will help you to increase your completion rate.