9. Video on Mobile


More mobile video

Mobile users engage with video content daily. Nearly 40% of YouTube video views are via mobile. Social media has played a significant part in the growth of mobile video with the “share” button models. Video is a fun way of sharing information, not to mention easier for users to digest that information. Because video is such a strong mobile traffic driver, businesses need to start producing awesome video content. 


Here are some best practices to remember when making videos:

  • Keep videos short
  • Create engaging videos
  • Make videos available on various mobile devices
  • Test the video on multiple devices before releasing
  • Check for good and clear audio quality on each device

Businesses are able to capitalize on mobile video platforms to connect with their audiences similar to Facebook. Businesses can capitalize on this by using tactics like YouTube’s true view ad channel.


Create your own videos and upload to YouTube the same way you do for your online marketing strategy
  • Ensure they are optimized for mobile devices
  • No Flash, just pure HTML5 - usually video platforms like YouTube or Vimeo convert the video depending on the user´s browser, so you don´t have to worry about that
  • Use short time length videos
  • Be sure not to use copyrighted material as for example music - some of this content is blocked for mobile devices, while for desktop may be permitted
  • Always test your videos in phone and tablet devices with different screen sizes
Yes, video ads is affordable for small companies too
  • Google has new plans that allow you to advertise your videos in YouTube
Keep your video short and sweet
  • Play rates drop off significantly after 45 secs
  • Deliver your key message within the first 10 secs
  • About 15 secs in length would be best
Be clear about what your business offers 
Provide clear next steps for customers to take after finishing the video
  • Make a purchase 
  • Visit website 
  • Visit physical store
Update your content
  • It's important to keep your content fresh so people will keep coming back, especially if you're promoting a video channel
The social fact
  • Don´t forget that video networks such as YouTube or Vimeo are also a community-driven social media network that values meaningful content and genuine community engagement with real people and stories
  • Create video content that builds a relationship with the network users, instead of a pure only advertising that will make it harder for you to drive viewer engagement with your brand
Adwords for video allows you to advertise in two different formats:
Adwords for video
  •  Your ad videos must be hosted on YouTube
  •  CPV cost per view bidding
 Display ad builder
  •  Your ad videos can be hosted wherever you want
  •  You can choose between 
  1. CPC (cost per click)
  2. CPM (cost per thousand impressions) 
  3. CPV (cost per view)
Advertise your company in a short video in two different ways: 
  • Before videos, when a user clicks to see a video (preferred) 
  • In video search results 

You can choose your target depending on gender, age, location, etc... You can even configure the devices where the video will be showed Don´t forget to create a call to action overlay for your video Can generate subscriptions to your video channel

In-stream video ads allow you to insert your ad into the beginning or middle of other video content
  • While this method is a great branding medium, it often has lower conversion rates than other online formats
Direct traffic from your ads to your brand's YouTube channel or website with additional video content
  • By continuing a customer's video experience, you're more likely to get better conversion rates than sending your customer to a text-only site
  • Make sure your landing page is relevant to the content of your ad
  • For YouTube landing pages, consider directing customers to a page or brand channel tagged with an AdWords remarketing code to increase your brand exposure and how often your message is shown to viewer
  • Avoid using keyword targeting for your campaign, since this could significantly limit how often your ads are shown
  • Choose keywords related to topics that entertain people, such as: names for celebrities, titles for movies and television shows, quotes, actions or verbs, objects in the video, or emotions that relate to the content 
  • Think about trends in online video overall, plus trends on the relevant site, whether it's YouTube or other sites on the Google Display Network. Examples include: current events, political awareness, celebrity gossip, and popular videos 
  • Consider using the tags of your viewers to create keywords 
  • Use negative keywords to filter out unwanted searches • Refine your keywords periodically
  • Use YouTube analytics to see which parts of videos keep your viewers most engaged 
  • Analyze which keywords and referrers are driving traffic to your video 
  • Using adwords for video 
  • You can see more information here: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/2375425
There is a recent study that showed that users abandon the videos on YouTube if the video takes more than 2 seconds to start(!), and every 1 second delay further increases the abandonment rate dramatically
There’s nothing as good as the CPMs of video advertising. When compared to the likes of the mobile banner or even full screen interstitial – Video wins EVERY TIME
Ensure to have a direct link for your video instead of using an additional screen in the middle: