3 Likes Tab



This gives you a view on the growth of the number of fans and lets you investigate how they did arrive on your page.



Use on the top right the calendar tool to set the range you want to investigate. You can also drag the range border on the top graph to change what data you are looking at.



This method is by the way also available in the following tabs. If you hover with the mouse pointer on the total pages likes graph the value you are hovering on will be displayed.


Scroll down, and you get a graph with the Net Likes. The red line indicates how many people unliked the page. Light blue indicates the number of people liking your page in an organic (non paid advertising) way. The darker blue are people liking you as the result of paid publicity or promotion being shown to them.


The black graph line provides you with the net value of “likes”. If you want to see detail, just click the spot in the graph you are interested in.




How to read this: This graph is in particular interesting if you have peaks: they are indicative of a good post attracting quite some fans. But there could be other reasons, such as an advertising campaign that did work...


If there is a significant drop, the reason is probably some low quality posts


Consider 1% of “unlikes” as normal.


Where your page likes came from shows where fans did click the “Like” button: page suggestions made by Facebook, on the page, using mobile apps, in posts by other people. The items shown in this graph can differ somewhat depending on your page: For example if you are advertising, an “advertising and sponsored posts” will appear. Don’t forget to activate in “Settings>general>Similar Page Suggestions>Choose whether your Page is recommended to others --- you will probably find here likes attributed to this under “Page Suggestions”