5 Visits Tab
Here you can check where people did come from to visit your page. You can also check how many times they clicked tabs and visit your timeline.
The first graph shows how often certain tabs on your FB page have been clicked (e.g. your profile photo, info,...). Its not possible to check who did look at your page.
Do use this page if you have quite some tabs, e.g. because you have actions and campaigns accessible through those. This will provide you with valuable information to improve. If an “expensive” tab (using third party software) is not clicked a lot, you need to act.
Scroll down, and you get to “Other page activity”: This one is interesting if you are a local business: this type of FB page has address information, has a check-in functionality. You can reward people checking-in with a small present. The check-ins will be visible in below graph.
Also displayed on this graph are the number of mentions by other people, the number of posts by other people on your FB page (if you opened up this functionality), the number of offers which where accepted.
External Referrers
This is one of the nicest graphs: It show how many people did arrive on your page thanks to external referrals. This means your page is mentioned somewhere on the Internet, for example on websites – a good thing of course.
You get the names of the key refferals. Actually, your own website will in most cases be on a top position here.
Screenshots source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQcte3Q8TVM