6 Posts Tab




This is one of the very useful tabs: It shows statistics on your historical posts with figures about their reach, clicks, likes, reactions and sharing. You will also get statistics on when your fans where online, meaning which hour of the day, and which days of the week.


Here you can only have graphs with a week interval.


Use the timing information to select the best moment for posting, both the best hours and the best days of the week. By posting when your fans are online, you increase the likelyhood of reactions, likes, sharing.




In above example the spread throughout the day is reasonably even. If you hover above a day, you will get the detailed graph for that day comparing with the week average. The black line is the value for that specific day against the background of the week average. That way, you can pick your preferred posting days and hours. If quite flat, then probably best to vary a bit in order to reach other people with different time use behaviour.



If you want to read average for a particular time, just hover on top of the graph, and the figures will appear:



Tip: Research shows that business tend to publish during office hours. This is probably wrong, as most interaction happens in the evening. This is not surprising: when people work, company policy will often even forbid the use of FB.


All Posts Published:

If you scroll further down, you will see a graph called “All Posts Published”. This shows an overview of updates during the past period. You will get following information for each post:


  • “Published” is the publication date of the post
  • “Type” details if the post was a file, a video, a linke, text only,...
  • “Targeting” show visibility, probably public in most cases
  • “Reach”. If you click this one, you can split it between fans and non fans. This is indicative of the viral reach: how many people did arrive on your posts thanks to sharing, likes, reactions of their friends.





Click “engagement” to filter e.g. by “likes, comments, shares”: that will focus on showing what is really the best content you had. Engagement rate by likes comments and shares is what you want to look at, as it is so indicative of good content.




A certain number of people see the content (Reach) and X percent of those people like, comment or share it (Engage).


You can also look at a number of other things like people hiding your content, reporting, marking as spam and other unwanted behaviour probably caused by a bad post on your side.


If this one is 1%, you shouldn’t worry. Only if it gets significantly higher this should get your worried, and you should analyse which posts caused this in order to avoid repetition.





If you want to do some further analysis on “Viral”, change the Reach: Organic / Paid drop down menu into Reach: fan / no fan instead of Organic / Paid. If many non fans are visible, then a viral effect is starting to play – a good sign.


Screenshots source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQcte3Q8TVM