7 People Tab




This tab has statistics about your fans. Where to they come from? How old are they? Which gender spread?


You can look at 3 views or groupings of people: Your Fans, People Reached or People Engaged. Check-ins might also be available depending on your FB page type

  • Your Fans: people who liked your page
  • People Reached: People who see your content, which would include some of your fans and some of their friends and some people you might advertise to
  • People Engaged: People who liked, commented or shared your posts in the past 28 days


Your Fans


The “Your Fans” view will learn you what the gender distribution is. For reference, you can compare with the facebook averages


Below, you can check where your fans reside. You might need to adapt the languages used for yours posts (post the same post in multiple languages)





If you hover the graph, you will get a pop-up comparing to Facebook averages and the total facebook population




People reached:


This graph shows you the gender spread and age spread for the reach of your posts. You can also check which region/country has the largest reach.



People Engaged:


Provides a view of what type of people are interacting with your page (like, commenting, share) and where they come from.




Its a good idea to compare above 3 type of views, and try to understand the differences. If the differences are significant between the views, there might be an issue. For example more man then women as fan, but more interaction with women. Are your posts interesting to man ? Do you need to change the content ?


The last tab, check-ins, becomes available if you have a physical address and at least 30 people did check-in;





You can export statistical data into excel sheet format:



Screenshots source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQcte3Q8TVM