B Show and tell planning


The Show and Tell planning, which you can find on below subpage, is constructed based upon your group subscriptions on Chamilo

If you don't find your name, you did not register your group and project on Chamilo, activities!

Double or missing subscriptions in Chamilo

Please double check if you can find your name and group, and report immediately to Stefan Biccler if you find any omission or any other problem. It is your responsibility to make sure you and your group is correctly listed. Teams where no topic is listed should inform me about the topic. Teams which have no company authorisation form submitted on Chamilo should do so asap. 


For exchange students

If the scheduling is not compatible with your stay here, please let us know ASAP, we will try to find a solution.


Presentation Planning

Group   Lastname        Firstname Date Timeslot  
Group 01         from to
Hancke cars -garage pillen   21/05/2015 12:30 12:50
    De Maerschalck Joke      
    Dekempeneer Jaan      
    Hancke Lize      
    Locquet Camille      
    Pillen Renée      
Group 02            
Hoefsmederij RG equine services 21/05/2015 12:05 12:25
    De Grande Jean-Marc    
    Vander Stichele Brecht      
    De Brouwer Anke      
    Logghe Ditmar      
Group 03            
verhuurmateriaal events - festivole 21/05/2015 11:45 12:05
    Salens Steffie      
    De Roo Lieselot      
    Bonte An-Sofie      
    De Maere Bart      
Group 04            
Weekendmode     21/05/2015 9:25 9:45
    Peirs Jonas      
    Pyck Ward      
    Schotte Laurens      
    Masson Joren      
    Vanhoucke Astrid      
Group 05            
Brouwerij Gruut     21/05/2015 9:00 9:20
    Deboodt Jens      
    Cornelis Frédéric      
    Baele Matthias      
    Debeuckelaere Jasper      
    Mortier Manon      
Group 06            
Teak meubelen     21/05/2015 8:35 8:55
    Noteboom Jarno      
    Buysse Jorn      
    Elaut Kevin      
    Cools-Ceuppens Stijn      
    De Clercq Kristof      
Group 07            
Artisan merelbeke      21/05/2015 8:15 8:35
    DeBoel Jasper