D Exam content overview

Exam first examination period

The exam of the first examiniation period will consist of a mix of cases and situation descriptions on which the theory has to be applied as well as content questions. The exam is a classic written exam.


Exam second examination period (August 2015)

Exam consists of a personal activity (case) which will be provided early July 2015, to be handed in a couple of days prior to the exam and a PC-class exam consisting of a theoretical part and a practical part. More detail about this will be provided early July 2015.


Exam content 2014/15

Please consult below table for a full overview of the exam scope. Between rounded brackets you find a summary of what is required to study for a successful exam. If no brackets are present, or they mention "no exam questions", you don't need to study this. If it mentions "apply to a case", you still need to be able to motivate (as a consultant) why you take certain decisions. Good luck!



0.1 Course introduction

o    A Course overview

§  1 Course aims

§  2 Course overview

§  3 Course approach

§  4 Course examination

§  5a Seminars

§  5b Lesson planning

§  6 ACT: group subscription

o    B Overview activities

o    C How to build a webshop

§  1 Build strategy (Why is this not the recommended method. Why is “for free not free”)

§  2 Solution flavors (Explain difference between public cloud, open source, and custom development. Decide for a given situation what is the best pick)

§  3 Open source providers (no exam questions)

§  4 Public cloud providers (no exam questions)

§  5 ACT: evaluate provider (no exam questions)

0.2 Intro e-Commerce

o    A e-Commerce trends

§  * Game for the brain (no exam questions)

§   1. Trends in e-Commerce (Research report 'e-Commerce' in Belgium (Comeos, 2014): be able to answer the 3 research questions. Don't study the figures. Be able to comment the paragraphs (but don't study profoundly, being able to summarize key messages is fine): E-commerce experience, Current online shopping behaviour, Online purchases, Sector focus, E-Commerce trust, Internet problems, Attitude)

§   2 e-Commerce pleonasm (Why is e-Commerce becoming a pleonasm?)

§   3 Benefits selling online (Benefits, best suited goods)

§  * Game for the brain (no exam questions)

§   4 Benefits buying online (Be able to give 5 benefits of buying online. Be able to explain any of the benefits.)

§   5 Forget about webshop ("5 reasons why you should think twice": explain such a reason if provide with the title. List 3 reasons if asked for.)

§  6 ACT: seek opportunity (no exam questions)

1 Environmental analysis

o    A Niche market research

§   1 How to research niche ? (Know why it is important to chose a profitable niche market

§   2 Niche marketing defined (e able to explain the concepts of 'niche market' and 'niche marketing'

§   3 Basic methodology (Be able to explain the basis methodology)

§   3a Identify your audience(Be able to explain the basis methodology)

§   3b Keywords research(Be able to explain the basis methodology)

§   3c Analyse competitors(Be able to explain the basis methodology)

§   3d Research industry(Be able to explain the basis methodology)

§   3e Take decision(Be able to explain the basis methodology)

§   4 G Adw Keyword Tool (Video content to be known,  broad vs exact, long tail)

§   5 Google Trends (Be aware of the tool and its uses)

§   6 Amazon (Video 13: remember key possibilities so you can provide a summary of key messages)

§   7 Other free tools (Be able to explain some other methods you can use)

§   8 ACT: find niche (Be able to apply concepts to a case)

o    B Internal Environment

§   1 Internal environment (Know and be able to perform an analysis of the internal environment)

§   2 Current website (Be able to perform an usability analysis on a website based on "Guided User Experience", "Text Clarity" and "Design Consistency")

§  3 Online presence (Using webmaster tools to check online presence)

§  4 Social media presence (Know there are social media monitor tools to check this)

§  5 ACT: Analyse internal environment

2 Strategic analysis

o    A SWOT analysis

§   1 SWOT What? How? (Be able to perform a SWOT)

§  2 SWOT example (Be able to perform a SWOT

§  3 Competitor analysis (Know and be able to perform a structured competitor analysis)

§   4 CA Template(Know and be able to perform a structured competitor analysis)

§   5 Product comparison(Know and be able to perform a structured competitor analysis)

§  6 ACT: strategic analysis(Be able to apply concepts to a case)

3 Objective setting

o    A Objectives

§   1 Understanding objectives (Be able to formulate Broad, Long/Mid term, Detailed objectives, understand tangible <> intangible)

§  2 Detailed objectives (be able to formulate a smart detailed objective)

§  3 Obj. reference card (no exam questions)

§  4 CSF (Know and be able to formulate CSF)

§  5 ACT: e-Objectives (Be able to perform an objectives setting)

o    B Seminar Dave Lorrez (no exam questions)

4 Core strategy

o    A Market your webshop

§   1 Target your audience (Be able to define a target audience and explain how and why (no theory))

§   2 Target your customer needs(Value chain, (changing) online value chain, creating value, finding places to create value)

§  3 Market cross-platform(Explain concept Cross Platform marketing, decide for a case)

§  4 Build trust(Be able to come up with trust building methods for a case)

§  5 Present and reachable(Methods to reach you - know and able to apply)

§  6 Guide your customers(Funnel page concept)

§  7 Give good value(Helping concept, come up with idea’s for a case)

§  8 ACT: market your idea(be able to apply to a case)

o    B Design your webshop

§  1 The eight steps of webdesign(If given a case, be able to explain how you will approach. Be able to explain)

§  2 Step 3: map out major section(no exam questions)

§  3 Why wireframe ? (explain why you would use wireframing)

§  4 Different ways of wireframing(no exam questions)

§  5 Excellent tools for designing wireframes(no exam questions)

§  6 Step 5: find a style / look(no exam questions)

§  7 Need inspiration? Some sample designs(no exam questions)

§  8 Need inspiration ? More sample designs(no exam questions)

§  9 Need inspiration ? Even more sample designs(no exam questions)

§  10 ACT: Design & Wireframe (Be able to make a pencil wirefram design)

o    C Internet marketing strategy

§  1 Internet Marketing tree(Be able to explain the root, trunk, branch elements of the internet marketing tree)

o    D SEO Strategy

§   1 What is SEO? (SEO definition, be able to explain difference between SEO & SEA, White hat/black hat (just explain what it means), skip "the early days", explain on which search engines to focus under limited time and budget)

§   2 SEO Why? (SEO and being found, or also conversion ?, Cost effectiveness (explain it))

§   3 Approaching SEO(Name/explain components of SEO, be able to explain the SEO process and what onsite/offsite means)

§   4 Understanding a SE(Be able to comment on how a search engine works)

§   5 User behaviour and SE(How do users behave towards natural/sponsored results ?, AIDA: be able to reason on this, but you don't need to be able to reproduce the table, long tail keywords concept)

§   6 Content is King(Writing for the web, (skip HTML), rules for body text, link text (skip the html))

§   7 Defining SERP text(Defining the SERP text (Meta Tag, Meta Description, Tips for writing powerfull text), Different keyword placement (SERP or Website))

§   8 Client side SEO(Layered assemly: be able to explain the role of HTML, role of CSS and role of functionality layer.  Skip HTML or CSS code. You don't have to be able to discuss the programming languages mentioned under "functionality")

§   9 Server side SEO(understand and explain the concept, example of 404 marketing. Know you need to register your website. Skip the rest (don’t need to study return codes bullet list)

§  10 Linkbuilding(Know and explain value of a link)

§  11 Site Structure(no exam questions)

§  12 ACT: A SEO friendly result (Be able to give consultancy to improve a text into so SEO friendly one)

o    E SEM Strategy

§  1 Comparing SEO & SEA(Be able to position when to use SEO, when to use SEM, how to combine them)

§  2 SEM Acronyms on cost(you need to know and be able to explain the cost acronyms)

§  3 More SEM acronyms(you need to know and be able to explain the acronyms)

§  4 Landing Page(When to use a landingpage, what is it)

§  5 Google Adw concepts

o    F1 Seminar: Adwords(no exam questions)

o    F2 Adwords

§  1 Start with Google Adw(no exam questions)

§   2 Your first campaign(Search & Display network, target devices, location, Bidding & budget)

§  3 Set up a new campaign(Be able to design an advertising structure)

§   4 Ad Extensions(Know what Ad Extensions can do)

§   5 Ad Groups(Why multiple ad groups ?, Keywords tools & selection for Ad Group)

§  6 ACT: Set up a Campaign (Be able to apply concepts to a case)

§  G E-mail marketing (Be aware of the high ROI of email marketing)

§  0 SPAM Etymology(no exam questions)

§  1 Introduction(Permission, Legislation)

§   2 Benefits(Be able to give 5 benefits of  e-mail marketing. Be able to explain any of the benefits.)

§  3 Case study(no exam questions)

§  4 Get started(What is wrong about using your own email account.)

§  5 Get e-mail delivered(no exam questions)

§   6 E-mail campaigns(Be able to apply to a case)

§   7 Get e-mail opened(Be able to apply to a case)

§   8 Basics of e-mail(Be able to apply to a case)

§  9 Measuring results(Be able to explain what you can measure)

§   10 ACT: E-mail mkt(Be able to apply to a case)

o    H Social Media Mkt strategy

§  1 Intro social media(no exam questions)

§   2 Benefits social media(Top 3 benefits of having a small business social media strategy)

§  3 The 2014 CMO Guide to social media(Be able to provide consultancy on which social media tool to use for which reasons)

§   4 Where to start ? (Be able to apply concepts to a case)

§   5 Social media strategy(Be able to apply concepts to a case as a consultant)

§  6 Social media dangers(Be able to comment on the dangers of social media)

§   7 Social media basics(Be able to apply concepts to a case)

§  7a Case Carlsberg(no exam questions)

§  7b Case Zappos(no exam questions)

§  7c Case Bakers on FB(no exam questions)

§  7d Case Leap Commerce(no exam questions)

§  7e Case Social Gifting(no exam questions)

§   8 ACT: social media mkt idea(Be able to apply concepts to a case)

o    I Social media tools marketing walk through

§  1 G+ Marketing(Be aware why you need to have a Google+ account even if not used afterwards)

§  2 Visual platforms(no exam questions)

§  3 Which visual platform ? (no exam questions)

§  4 Youtube marketing(no exam questions)

§  5 Pinterest marketing tips(Be able to provide consultancy using at least 5 tips)

§  6 Instagram marketing tips(Be able to provide consultancy using at least 5 tips)

§  7 LinkedIn(Be able to provide consultancy using at least 5 tips)

§  8 Twitter marketing(Be able to provide consultancy using at least 5 tips)

9 Facebook marketing(Why and how to create a Facebook Page Vanity url, Why and how to use Facebook Page Tabs, Why and how to create a 'landing page' in a Facebook Fan page, How to use and create Facebook ""Like Ads"" to grow your Fan page & Business. Skip email signup, Why and how to send an update to your Facebook Page fans, Understand what and why F-badges and plugins, why registratio plugin. Provide consultancy on different ways to reach people near your business. Skip create F-Store & import store. Be able to apply FB marketing to a case)

§  10 ACT: Social media mkt implementation

5 Tactical actions

o    A Payment systems

§   1 Payment systems(know and explain Payment services, gateway, acquirer)

§   2 Mobile payment trends(Electronic wallet, Operator billing, in-app payment, micro payment, NFC)

§  3 Wallet wars(Position functionality of Google Wallet, Apple Pay)

§  4 ACT: Payment system(Be able to apply concepts to a case)

o    B Mobility

§  1 Mobility trends(Comment on the trends for 2014)

§  2 Validate Mobile Readyness(no exam questions)

§  3 Subscription Services(Explain subscription services, including RSS)

§  4 Location services(No theory question, but be able to provide consultancy on domain)

§  5 Mobile Advertising(No theory question, but be able to provide consultancy on domain)

§  6 Mobile coupons(No theory question, but be able to provide consultancy on domain)

§  7 Loyalty program(No theory question, but be able to provide consultancy on domain)

§  8 Games for marketing(no exam questions)

§  9 Video on Mobile(no exam questions)

§  10 Surveys(no exam questions)

§  11 Your own app(No theory question, but be able to provide consultancy on domain)

§  12 Augmented reality(No theory question, but be able to provide consultancy on domain)

§  13 ACT: mobile strategy(Be able to provide consultancy for a given case on mobile strategy)

6 Implementation

7 Evaluation & control

o    A Google Analytics Ac.

§  0 Google analytics introduction(no exam questions)

§  1 Intro and study guide(You will get some of the multiple choice questions below the video training on the google academy website.)

§  2 Start with e-analytics(You will get some of the multiple choice questions below the video training on the google academy website.)

§  3 Using Google Analytics(You will get some of the multiple choice questions below the video training on the google academy website.)

§  4 Actionable data GA(You will get some of the multiple choice questions below the video training on the google academy website.)

§  5 Google Anal. reports(You will get some of the multiple choice questions below the video training on the google academy website.)

§  6 ACT: Measure & control(no exam questions)

o    B Facebook Insights

§   1 Facebook Insights Video (What is Facebook Insights? Give 2 examples of Page metrics, Post metrics. Page metrics are different from Post metrics. Explain.  If you are shown a Facebook graph, be able to explain the interpretation/meaning of the graph/statistics…)

§  2 Overview Tab(see above)

§  3 Likes Tab(see above)

§  4 Reach Tab(see above)

§  5 Visits Tab(see above)

§  6 Posts Tab(see above)

§  7 People Tab(see above)