
The course material can be consulted on this website, but is also made available as a printable pdf document and as an ePUB e-book.
This material will be updated every couple of weeks
Current creation date: 10 December 2014. 
This version has all chapters in the state as they where at the end of semester 1. WARNING: the activities as currently published in the PDF en ePUB version are those which apply to Semester 1, not yet Semester 2. Please refer for the moment only to the website for activity instructions, and not to what is told about this in the PDF/ePUB version. It is also recommended you don't print yet the PDF version as small changes will still be made to the website in the course of the semester. When the PDF or ePUB version is final, this will communicated HERE. 

PDF version

  • Click this link for the PDF version. This version can easily be printed. 

ePUB version

  • Click this link for the ePUB version. This version can be loaded on an e-reader
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Android devices:
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Consult following list for an app inventory: https://www.techsupportalert.com/content/best-free-ebook-reader-ios.htm